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Archive for January 2015

I Am In The Nightwatchman Magazine

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I wrote a piece for the Nightwatchman magazine, which is Wisden’s quarterly magazine. Amazingly, they published it. I say this without self-deprecation as it sits alongside many erudite essays and articles submitted by people who write about cricket for a living, including the current editor of Wisden and a former test batsman. My qualifications are that I really like cricket and I can read and write.

The test cricketer is Ed Smith. You can read his piece here. Scroll on a bit further and you can read the opening paragraph from my piece. To read the rest of the piece you’ll need to buy the magazine. It’s quite dear so I don’t expect any of you to do that. So I can tell you now that that single paragraph is probably weakest of all the paragraphs in the piece. From that paragraph on it ascends to the level of Pulitzer-prize winning journalism, tackling big meaty themes such as the contents of my pencil case and startled cats.

But you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Written by harrisharrison

January 2, 2015 at 9:57 pm

Posted in Cricket

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