Harris Sportsthoughts

Thoughts about Sport

Looking Into The Hutch

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Like most visitors to this site I ambled on here yesterday for no reason other than my own boredom.

It was then I noticed a bizarre spike in the number of hits I’ve received in the last couple of months. Unless reading meaningless sport-burble from 2010 is now the fashion, it’s unfathomable. It’s seems that this blog is more popular when I’m not writing anything then when I wrote regularly. Okay maybe not that unfathomable.

I then became depressed at the thought of all these readers chancing on these pages looking for some relevant and incisive copy about the latest happenings in the world of sport and instead finding this decrepit old site and containing a fusty old piece about marathons. Like looking into the animal hutch outside the back-door and finding the corpse of an unloved pet rabbit festering under the piss-soaked hay.

So I’ve decided to write this to at least freshen it up, although admittedly that’s like dusting down the lifeless body of the rabbit, spraying it with Febreze and saying “it’s alive!”. Which is probably what my parents should have done.

I wish I could say nothing had happened in sport since I’d been away but that’s not true. English cricket has gone the way of the rabbit for a start. If there’s any truth in the adage that a team is cast in the image of its coach then it means we’ll be seeing a lot more of yesterday’s boundary-fumbling, which was enough to comprise a whole section on You’ve Been Framed.

It also means that the most interesting thing about this team is a misprint on a mug.

Written by harrisharrison

March 28, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Posted in Cricket

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  1. Good to hear from you again. The King of Spin should be consigned the cricketing equivalent of your neglected rabbit hutch.


    March 31, 2014 at 8:11 am

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